Our leadership


Mike Direnzo

Lead Pastor


Mike, a native of the Ohio Valley (Austintown, Ohio), is the lead and founding pastor of Everyday Church which he and his wife Cassie started with six couples in 2013. In addition to church staff roles in Maryland, Idaho, West Virginia, and Ohio, Mike worked for an automotive marketing company traveling the country. Married for 30 years, Mike and Cassie have two adult children, Charis and Micah. Teaching and providing visionary leadership to the staff and ministries of Everyday is his primary focus. In his spare time, Mike enjoys going to local sporting events, hunting, and cheering on the Buckeyes!

Becky Provenzano

Next Steps Director

Becky grew up in Buckhannon, West Virginia. She oversees getting people connected in our volunteer ministries on Sundays as well as community programs throughout the week. Prior to joining the Everyday staff she spent many years in the insurance industry. She and her husband Rick have been married for 24 years and have two adult children, Brooke and Parker.


 What We Believe


God is God, not a god, or one of many gods, but GOD!  He is vast, knows everything, is everywhere, and can do anything!  He Rules.  He’s in charge over all that He has created which would be ---- everything ----- that includes you, me, and all we can and can’t see.  


Truth is found in what God has established in His word, the Bible.  In it is found the very basis for life, guideposts that have proven correct for people throughout all generations that are just as reliable today.  In the Bible is found the history of humanity as well as that which is to come. 


Imperfection is at the very core of humanity’s make-up and it all began when our first ancestors chose to do their own thing in opposition to God.  It’s what we call sin.  We’ve all been there, done that, and the results are not pretty: brokenness, disaster, disconnect from God and others, and ultimately death. 


Rescue is what God has in mind when He took on flesh and entered the world as the God-man, Jesus the Christ.  It was the ultimate rescue mission to solve the great disconnect between us and Himself.  Because of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, imperfect humanity is able to be made right with God through faith in Him.  


Power to live a God honoring life is only possible by God living in us, and He does so by His Spirit.  His Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, lives inside every person who has trusted Him to be their Rescuer.  His Spirit gives us the power to live for Him, and carry out His plans and purposes.


Purpose is why we were created and that purpose is knowing God and guiding others to get to know Him as well. Everyone who has been rescued has been gifted by God uniquely in order to share these gifts with others.  When we share our gifts and abilities with others, we experience the fulfillment that God is to us and those around us. 


Forever is a really long time!  Every human being has been created to live forever.  Those who have the Rescuer will live forever with Him.  Those who do not have the Rescuer will be separated from Him forever in torment. If you do not have Him in your life, now is the perfect time to invite Him into your life!